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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Where can I go to get the True Topper® system installed on my RV?

For a list of installers go to our Certified Installers page here. We will continue to update that page as more installers start up.

How long does it take to retrofit my RV with the True Topper® system?

It typically takes 4 hours per slideroom.

Can I have my True Topper® painted to match my RV?

Yes, the True Topper® comes standard as black but it can easily be custom painted to match your RV.

What is the warranty for the True Topper®?

True Topper® Warranty

On which make of RVs can the True Topper® be installed?

The True Topper® can be installed on most makes of RV. There are a couple RV makes that we need to fine tune solutions for. We are confident that the solution will be found, and we will be able to offer the True Topper® to every RV owner. Call today to find out if your RV can be retrofit with the True Topper®!

Technical Questions

Will the True Topper® work on a slideroom with a membrane roof top?

Yes. The True Topper® can be installed over membrane roofs as well as fiberglass and aluminum. The True Topper® applies very little force against the roof of your slideroom, plus they are fitted with a high slip material to allow for a smooth non-abrasive sweep from one side to the other.

My RV has a lip (flange) across the top of the slideroom, can it still be retrofitted with the True Topper®?

Yes, we can retrofit most sliderooms to accommodate the True Topper®, even if your slideroom comes from the factory with a flange (lip) across the top of the slideroom.

What do you do to the lip (flange) on the top of the slideroom to accommodate the True Topper®? 

The upper flange or "lip" along the roof of the slideroom is trimmed and replaced with a low profile cover which is attached over the remaining molding. All factory structure and seals are left undisturbed.

flange trim diagram(1).png

Is the roof lip (flange) a necessary part of the slideroom design?

No it is not. In fact, the roof flange is a common reason for debris becoming trapped on your slideroom in the first place. With the installations of the True Topper™, the old flange can be eliminated and replaced with our low-profile cover. 

Smash flange(1).png

The True Topper® eliminates the “debris-trapping” problem, sweeps off your roof and provides a superior seal to the slideroom.

no flange clean sweep(1).png

What about heat transfer when the traditional fabric awnings are removed?

A customer made a series of measurements of the exterior and interior surface  temperatures of his RV using a commercial quality infrared thermometer and here is what he has to say,

"I used an average temperature for each surface from 3-4 spot measurements. The conditions the day I measured were sunny and 83 degrees @ 30% humidity.  Wind was 2-3 mph. I made all the measurements within 6 minutes. Interior measurements were taken in cabinets to avoid the influence of air conditioning.  Unfortunately, the sun also heats the side of the coach and surely influenced those readings.  

• Passenger Front Slide has a new black slide topper. 

• Passenger Rear Slide has a True Topper but I recently coated with a heat  reflective paint. 

• Driver Front Slide has a True Topper with no change to factory paint

• Driver Rear Slide has a True Topper with no change to factory paint. 


As you can see the surface temperature of the exposed slide roofs is  considerably lower than the covered slide. This could be due to the black fabric  slide topper capturing and trapping more heat. The exposed surfaces with a  factory white paint are also exposed to wind which may contribute along with  the reflective properties of the white coated aluminum. I was surprised to  measure lower temperatures on the slide roof than the fiberglass coach roof.  The temperature difference between the exposed slide roofs and the fiberglass  roof may demonstrate the effectiveness of the reflectivity and aluminum. As you  may notice, the slide roof coated with the special paint performed worse than  the uncoated roofs. I suspect that’s because the paint is designed for roofs that  don’t have an aluminum base. In the future I may remove that paint and replace  it with an automotive quality white paint."

I understand slide toppers are primarily designed to eliminate debris from the roof of my slideroom, but I would like some added rain protections as well.  How does the True Topper® perform in this area compared to traditional awning style toppers?

Traditional awning style toppers do a pretty good job of preventing rain from landing directly onto the roof of a slideroom, but often water still collects and pools on the roof due to wind or leaking through the awning material.  When a slideroom using this style of topper is retracted, much of the water collected on the roof will be forced to the interior of the RV because it is trapped by the roof flange.  When using a True Topper® there is no flange in the way, so water is free to exit the roof while it is being retracted and swept. In addition, most RVs have two wipe seals to act as a squeegee across the roof of the slideroom.  The True Topper® includes a 3rd wipe seal to provide 50% more wiping action as your slideroom travels inward.  The True Topper® has consistently shown an equal or better result when tested at some of the industry’s most rigorous torrential rain booths provided by leading manufactures such as Winnebago Industries and Tiffin Motorhomes. 

water test_winnebago_2.png

Copyright © 2015-2023 Composite Solutions Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Seamless Slides® and True Topper® are a registered trademark of Composite Solutions Inc. 

US Patents: 8,454,072, D684,096, 8,603,289, D700,110, 8,702,143, 9,744,896, & 10,112,351.

Canada Patents: 2,752,937 & patents pending.

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